Causa Oregon

Causa Oregon rallies support for amnesty in the Pacific Northwest


I have been waiting for six months now to write an immigration related story about Oregon.

I haven’t heard of anything out of this state. This always struck me as quite odd because I check the news several times daily.

If something related to restrictionist immigration reform was going on in Oregon, I certainly would have heard about it by now and would have made a point to mention it on this website.

I finally have some news to report.

Unfortunately, it is not good news. This is another demoralizing testament to the theoretical chaos and disorganization of the movement in the Pacific Northwest.

Causa Oregon

Illegal aliens have been busy in Oregon.

They have formed an “immigrant rights organization” called Causa Oregon to advance their interests there. This Hispanic racial advocacy group works to “defend and advance immigrant rights” in the Pacific Northwest.

Causa Oregon volunteers have been working for months on a signature drive to build support for two bills being introduced in the Oregon state legislature.

(1) The first bill would restore access to driver’s licenses for illegal aliens in Oregon.

(2) The second bill is an Oregon version of the DREAM Act which would allow illegal aliens to attend Oregon state universities with in-state tuition rates.

Last night, Causa Oregon held in a meeting in Eugene. They drew a crowd of about 800 supporters.

This Hispanic advocacy group has a broad platform and has built alliances with other leftist groups like the “LGBT community” to advance a common progressive agenda.

The Resistance

I made an interesting discovery while browsing through their website.

Causa Oregon is organizing resistance to five proposed restrictionist immigration laws which have been introduced in the Oregon House by Republican state legislators.

I briefly mentioned Oregon’s version of the Arizona-style immigration law in my post about the 80,000 illegal aliens which have recently settled in Oregon and Washington.

HB 2802 Prohibits restrictions on public body’s ability to enforce immigration law to extent permitted by federal law. Authorizes legal resident to bring civil action against public body that violates prohibition.

HB 2803 Requires county to verify immigration status of person incarcerated in county correctional facility.

HB 2804 Requires evidence of citizenship for persons registering to vote for first time in this state.

HB 2805 Prohibits state agencies from providing employment, products, services or licenses to persons who are not lawfully present in United States.

HB 2806 Limits deductibility of expenses related to employment of workers hired on or after January 1, 2012 to workers whose eligibility for employment in United States has been verified through federal E-Verify employment verification system.

Listen to this:

We must take immediate action to ensure that none of these extreme bills have a chance of becoming law. In addition to creating a divisive climate, they also represent an economic burden for our state and local governments, businesses, and local law enforcement agencies—something our state can’t afford.

Please call our newly inaugurated Co-Speakers of the House, Senate President, and Governor at the phone numbers below.

Co-Speaker of the House Bruce Hanna – (R-Roseburg) 503-986-1200
Co-Speaker of the House Arnie Roblan – (D-Coos Bay) 503-986-1300
Senate President Peter Courtney– (D-Salem) 503-986-1600
Governor John Kitzhaber 503-378-4582

Tell them that Oregon is not Arizona. Let them know that we don’t want Representative Kim Thatcher or others to create a divisive political climate in Oregon. Explain that we do not want our state officials to take the role of federal agents. We want common-sense solutions to our economic problems and not extremist legislation.

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Striking Back

Take action in North Carolina

North Carolina

I have a few questions:

(1) How many of you are pissed off about the cancellation of the 2011 Amren conference?

(2) How many of you are sick and tired of the Jewish Defense Organization, Imagine2050, and One People’s Project?

(3) How many of you want to do something to retaliate against our enemies?

(4) How many of you live in North Carolina or know someone who does?

If you answered “yes” to all four questions, I have a mission for you.

There are three pending bills in the North Carolina state legislature that are of some interest to us.

(1) House Bill 36 prohibits state and local governments from entering into contract with those who employ illegal aliens.

(2) House Bill 33 is a Voter ID law which will negate sanctuary city policies in Durham and Cary.

(3) House Bill 11 would ban illegal aliens from attending all universities and community colleges in North Carolina.

Imagine2050 is opposed to these bills. They are playing defense. We are playing offense. Help us ram these bills down their throats!

If you live in North Carolina, please contact your state legislators and tell them to vote for these bills. Tell them you strongly support Voter ID reform and banning illegal aliens from North Carolina universities.

As a long term project, we need to be creating state based networks which we can tap to twist the arms of state and local lawmakers when situations such as this arise.

There is nothing stopping anyone from creating a Facebook group specifically for White Nationalists who live in North Carolina. You can always create a pseudonym account, join the Facebook group, and use it to coordinate activist efforts across your state.

Organize the masses from the comfort of your own home. It costs you nothing but time and effort.

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Imagine2050 on Amren 2011

White patriots protest the Sheraton in Charlotte

North Carolina

Imagine 2050 is doing some celebrating in the endzone over the cancellation of the 2011 Amren conference.

I can’t say that I blame them. It is only natural for human beings to accentuate the positive. It has been quite a long time since Imagine2050 had anything to crow about in the United States.

In the course of this article, the Editors of Imagine2050 take turns with their potshots aimed at Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, Matt Parrott and this writer.

After reading this triumphant article, you would think these people had won the Superbowl of politics. If memory serves, they suffered a devastating knockout blow on that front last December.


It would be a waste of my breath to spend my time attempting to prove to this audience that Imagine2050 is an anti-White hate group. That much has been established beyond reasonable doubt.

My job is to point out what isn’t so clear.

The first observation is that the 2011 Amren conference was pulled off to some limited degree. It was filmed from a remote location. This is also what happened at the 2010 Amren conference. The regulars convened and enjoyed the event without interruption.

If the 2011 Amren conference had been a private, invitation only event all along, it never would have been shutdown and more people would have showed up and participated, especially considering that the people who really didn’t need to be there would have been excluded.

The second observation is that Matt Parrott, Andrew Yeoman, Jew Among You and a few others protested the Sheraton. They should be congratulated for their good work. Their little band of protesters sent a message on behalf of most sectors of the White Nationalist community.

Yeoman has said on Facebook that the Sheraton protesters got more than a few positive responses from the locals. This should be expected considering that at least 20 percent of Whites in North Carolina are explicitly racially conscious.

Back in June, I traveled to South Carolina to attend a CofCC sponsored Confederate Flag Rally in Columbia. We also got some positive feedback from the locals. There are far more Whites in South Carolina who are pro-Confederate and pro-White than anti-Confederate and anti-White.

In the Carolinas, White Nationalists have favorable demographics to work with in the White community. If racialists could only succeed in organizing the people who already agree with us on race and immigration, we would have built a nice political base for ourselves there.

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White Zionism

Brigham Young leads the Mormons to Utah


The subject of White Zionism is fresh on my mind. In recent weeks, I haven’t given much thought to the issue.

Sam Dickson’s remarks at the 2011 Amren conference about “Euro-Zionism,” Harold Covington’s recent attacks on the PLE model, and a recent interview with a Wyoming reporter have rekindled my interest in the subject.

I have also been reading a book called “Manifest Destinies” about America’s westward expansion. This includes some discussion about the Mormon exodus to Utah and the creation of their initial settlements in Salt Lake City. The material is germane to the ongoing debate about the Northwest Migration.

I haven’t seen anything over the past two months to change my opinion on the matter.

(1) In November, I was convinced that violence was grossly counterproductive and largely a rhetorical escape outlet for fantasists who substitute a purely imaginary means for real means.

The Giffords shooting in Arizona and the Spokane bomb have only reinforced my opinion on that topic.

(2) In November, I was convinced that the Pacific Northwest wasn’t the ideal destination for White Nationalists. These behemoth Blue States dwarf the more conservative, sparsely populated Red States in the Interior West.

The rapid colonization of the Pacific Northwest by illegal aliens has reinforced that view. The growing resistance in Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and North Dakota to illegal immigration and government overreach has only made those states look more attractive.

(3) In November, I thought we should work through the system and with the populist conservatives in these Red States to mainstream White Advocacy.

I still see more potential for a migrant driven breakthrough in those four states than our relative chances elsewhere. Kansas and Nebraska can be added to that list.

(4) In November, I was convinced that settlement, organization, legitimacy, and community outreach were far more important than rhetorical radicalism.

I haven’t changed my mind on that subject either.

In order for White Zionism to succeed, we need to dial down the rhetoric, and ratchet up the settlement and community organizing. The major obstacle to White Zionism has always been the perception that it really isn’t a viable solution.

Some advice for migrants:

(1) Move to the smaller states of the Interior West like Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. You will have more of an impact there.

(2) Embrace the system. Work within the system to legitimize our cause. Demonstrate the viability of the White Zionist model. This is necessary to spark any viable migration.

(3) Settle these states as conservatives and libertarians. Go there as conservatives with teeth. Instead of being treated as social pariahs, you will be embraced by the natives. Just call yourself a conservative while advocating White Nationalist policies.

If you just want to live a nice and quiet life with friendly neighbors, nothing is stopping you from doing so.

(4) Don’t act out in public. No one wants to see Neo-Nazis parading around in Halloween costumes in the town square. Instead, you should act like a model citizen to gain power, wealth, and legitimacy, things which are actually of some use to potential migrants.

(5) Go positive. There are positive things you can do for both White natives and White migrants. Look to the example of Christianity to win converts.

(6) Appeal to self interest. In order to attract new migrants, focus on the ways that migration is of practical benefit to individual families. Don’t appeal to violent fantasies or racial idealism. We don’t need those types of people around disrupting the migration project anyway.

Point to the lower taxes, better schools, cheaper land, more conservative neighbors, attractive women, and the favorable demographics and low key isolation of the region.

We need to spend less time appealing to these abstractions that only intellectuals care about, and more time to the practical advantages of colonization, to spark a real and sustained migration to the Interior West.

That will be all for now.

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Lemmings and Miracles

Miracles are not solutions

White America

Rasmussen has a new poll out that sheds considerable light on the subject of how White Nationalists should engage White America. There are two competing points of view on this subject.

“Mainstreamers” believe the White majority is sympathetic to our beliefs and that we should work through the system to connect with a mass audience and confront our enemies in a lawful manner.

“Vanguardists” believe that the White majority are “lemmings” who dance to whatever tune is played by an elite cabal of string pullers in the mass media. They believe in rejecting the system and forming a “hardcore nucleus” of true believers who will rise to power in the aftermath of the collapse.

State of America

Here are the latest poll numbers:

– 57 percent of likely U.S. voters believe the policies and practices of the federal government encourage illegal immigration.

– 21 percent of likely U.S. voters believe the federal government does not encourage illegal immigration.

– 47 percent of voters say that relying on the federal government to enforce federal immigration law is a better approach than relying on individual states to enforce immigration law.

– 44 percent of voters would rather rely on the individual states to enforce federal immigration law.

– 68 percent of voters say that securing the border is more important than legalizing illegal aliens.

– 25 percent of voters say that legalizing illegal aliens is more important.

– 64 percent of voters say the U.S. military should be used to secure the border.

– 60 percent of Republicans favor the states acting on their own to enforce federal immigration laws.

– 59 percent of Democrats think it is better to rely on the federal government to enforce federal immigration laws.

– 78 percent of mainstream voters say that border security is more important than legalizing illegal aliens.

– 50 percent of the political class thinks border security is more important than amnesty.

– 70 percent of mainstream voters believe the federal government encourages illegal immigration.

– 54 percent of the political class believes the federal government does not encourage illegal immigration.

– 65 percent of the political class would rather rely upon the federal government to enforce immigration laws.

– 55 percent of mainstream voters would rather rely upon the states to enforce immigration laws.

– 58 percent of Americans oppose granting birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens.

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The Northwest Migration

An estimated 80,000 "top notch" illegal aliens have recently settled in the Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest

The pioneers are once again trekking across the North American continent to settle in the Pacific Northwest.

They are bound for the Oregon Country in the modern equivalent of Conestoga wagons. These American dreamers have answered the call to “come home” to the Northwest Homeland.

Unfortunately, they are illegal aliens.

The Pew Hispanic Center has released a new report that tracks national and state trends in illegal immigration. Their findings contradict the common wisdom of the White Nationalist movement on changing racial demographics.

Let me get straight to the point:

Illegal aliens are leaving the Southwest, Northeast, and Eastern South. They are moving to the Northwest, Midwest, and Western South.

From 2007 to 2010, an estimated 415,000 illegal aliens left the Southwest, 260,000 left the Northeast, and 115,000 left the South. Florida, California, and New York lost over 600,000 illegal aliens to other states.

From 2007 to 2010, 80,000 illegal aliens moved to the Pacific Northwest. 60,000 of those illegal aliens settled in Washington. 20,000 settled in Oregon.

The Midwest gained 80,000 illegal aliens. Michigan gained 30,000 illegal aliens. Illinois gained 25,000. Iowa gained 20,000.

The biggest losers are Texas (+200,000), Washington (+60,000), Kentucky (+35,000), Louisiana (+30,000), and Michigan (+30,000).

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Wise Latina: Discriminate Against Whites

Sonia Sotomayor: Our society is "too complex" for equal justice


Sonia Sotomayor, the “Wise Latina” of the Supreme Court, recently made some headlines in the mainstream press.

She gave a speech to the University of Chicago Law School in Illinois. There was a question and answer session with law students.

Sotomayor made some candid remarks about her thoughts on the topic of “racial justice.” She has kept a low profile since her confirmation hearings.

In particular, Sotomayor took issue with the old hat “civil rights” cause of “colorblindness.” She told the forum that our society is “too complex” to stop discriminating on the basis of race. That formula is “too simple” for her.

A week before, Sotomayor told students at Kansas State University that we still have “structural problems in the society that have to be addressed before we reach full equality. We can’t live in a society where the poorest children are the poorest educated.”

In other words, Hispanic judicial activists like Sonia Sotomayor (who represent the “people of color”) must be allowed to discriminate against Whites in the name of “racial justice” to overcome “white privilege” and “structural racism” in the United States.

Sotomayor believes they have a license to do this until racial disparities in poverty and education are eliminated – which is to say, the discrimination against Whites will go on indefinitely, so long as people like her are on the Supreme Court.

If you want to know where this idea of “structural racism” originated, check out the Racism Review website. It is one of the most reliable anti-White hate sites on the internet. They blog about “systemic racism” and “structural racism” all the time there.

Racial discrimination against non-Whites is never “too simple” or “too complex” for the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department. It is never “too simple” or “too complex” for the New York Times either which wrote a glowing review of her speech.

If you feel that “racial justice” requires you to discriminate against Whites on the basis of race, you should send your resume to Barack Obama and Eric Holder. The Democratic Party ought to be able to find you some type of employment in the vast federal bureaucracy they have created with White taxpayer dollars.

Constructive Response

How do we respond to this?

We live in a society where Whites are discriminated against on the basis of race. Progressives on the Supreme Court and at the New York Times dump on White America from their perches at the pinnacles of law and journalism.

The response in the White Nationalist movement to Sonia Sotomayor will invariably come in two forms: “mainstreamer” and “vanguardist.”

This reflects the timeless division in American politics between “hotheads” and “cool heads.” The cooler heads must prevail.

I will articulate our position. I’m sure the hotheads will show up in the comments to share their point of view.

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Amren 2011: Questions and Answers

The White Patriot Party marches on Raleigh

North Carolina

In my last post, I asked some tough questions about the cancellation of the 2011 Amren conference in Charlotte.

In this post, I will take a crack at answering them. I will close out the discussion of this topic by trying to offer some constructive solutions to the problem of holding future conferences.

Questions and Answers

(1) What are his critics on the internet doing to advance White Nationalism? Where is their conference? Where is their newsletter? Where are their television and radio appearances?

The answer to the first question is nothing much.

Jared Taylor is one of the few White Advocates who always speaks responsibly about race in public. He is easily the best communicator in the movement. There isn’t a White Advocate in America who comes across as more sympathetic to our target audience.

I can’t answer the second question to my satisfaction.

I am sure there are White Nationalist organizations out there that dislike Jared Taylor and regularly hold their national conferences on private property. These groups have no appeal to me. I don’t follow them and couldn’t tell you what they are doing.

Some of Jared Taylor’s critics have appeared on television and radio.

Glenn Miller appeared on the Howard Stern show last year. I can’t think of anyone else. If these people have appeared on television and radio, I haven’t seen any sign of them.

(2) Is a sixty year old man supposed to do everything?

Obviously not.

Jared Taylor is good at what he does. He also does far more than most. If we were trying to liquidate the White Nationalist movement, Amren and VDARE would be counted as assets, not as liabilities.

Amren is a great publication. The biannual conferences are a bright spot in a rather dismal scene. There isn’t a classier operation in the movement.

The debacle in Charlotte has less to do with Jared Taylor and Amren than with what White Nationalists in general have and haven’t been doing in North Carolina. This is also true of Mississippi where a Memphis area hotel reneged on David Duke’s EURO conference.

It doesn’t matter whether White Nationalists are naming the Jew. The threat to our civil rights is a common problem that transcends that particular issue.

It stems from a common cause.

(3) Were these people – the system rejecters – of any assistance to Jared Taylor and Amren in Charlotte? Were they of any assistance last year when Jeffrey Imm derailed the 2010 conference?


The “system rejecters” have proven useless in both episodes. They don’t have the resources or the inclination to pressure the Sheraton hotel chain or Mayor Patrick Cannon in Charlotte.

(4) Is there a pro-White elected official in Charlotte or North Carolina that the White Nationalist movement can appeal to?

I don’t know of any such elected official.

(5) Are there White Nationalists in North Carolina even bothering to run for elected office in that state?

I don’t think so.

I don’t know of anyone there trying to win a seat in the North Carolina state legislature or on the Charlotte city council. To my knowledge, there is no one there running a professional campaign, or even contemplating a serious run for public office.

(6) Is there are a White equivalent to any of these organizations?

The closest analogue would be EURO.

White Nationalists haven’t supported EURO or the A3P to the extent they could have done. This is the dirty little secret of the White Nationalist movement.

The vast majority of White Nationalists don’t support their own organizations. Yet they expect conservatives to join them and become White Nationalists.

(7) Why hasn’t the White Nationalist movement succeeded in organizing the 1/5th of the White population (at a minimum) that agrees with us on our most important issues?

This question has a complex answer.

– The vast majority of White Nationalists are content to post anonymous comments on the internet. Their participation in the movement is limited to venting their frustrations in cyberspace under pseudonyms.

– Most White Nationalists who are inclined toward “activism” are vanguardist exhibitionists who acting are out their own sense of individuality. They are not trying to convert anyone to White Nationalism.

– White Nationalists become addicted to a radical rhetoric in the course of their “education” on the internet. I have already mentioned the withdrawal process in my previous post.

It will suffice to say that the radical rhetoric disinclines them to interact with people who are less radical than they are, rhetorically speaking, even if we need the support of those people to create a White ethnostate in this country.

– A large percentage of White Nationalists are unable to communicate with this racially aware audience for various reasons. Some of them are stridently anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-republican, etc.

They would end up picking a fight with racial conservatives. The conversion process would end badly.

– White Nationalists rely upon the internet to disseminate their message. The racial conservative audience doesn’t rely as heavily on this medium.

– The racial conservative audience doesn’t see the White Nationalist movement as a viable resistance to the status quo. Most of the people who care about immigration and multiculturalism are going to support groups which are successful at addressing these problems.

– It simply hasn’t occurred to White Nationalists in North Carolina to organize the 20 percent of the White population that is racially aware in that state. They aren’t even trying to do so.

(8) Why haven’t Whites in North Carolina joined the National Socialist Movement, World Church of the Creator, National Alliance, Confederate Hammerskins, Ku Klux Klan, or White Revolution?

These groups are seen in a negative light for various reasons. It is somewhat attributable to media bias, but much of it has to do with their own actions, and how these groups present themselves to the public.

The majority of people who agree with our core issues don’t perceive any of these groups as viable.

(9) What happened to the White Patriot Party?

I’m not sure.

I believe it dissolved sometime before Glenn Miller declared war on the federal government and appointed himself President of the Confederate States of America.

(10) What is preventing them from reaching a wider audience?

The CofCC suffers from an elite imposed lack of legitimacy in North Carolina. It is labeled and marginalized as a “notorious white supremacist organization.” The substance of the CofCC political platform is quite popular in North Carolina and the other Southern states.

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Amren 2011 Cancelled

2011 Amren Conference cancelled due to anti-racist pressure

North Carolina

The White Nationalist movement is spilling a lot of ink right now discussing the cancellation of the 2011 Amren conference. Before writing another essay about the topic, I would like to frame this debate by asking a series of questions.

(1) Jared Taylor is being widely criticized around the internet on White Nationalist blogs and forums.

What are his critics on the internet doing to advance White Nationalism? Where is their conference? Where is their newsletter? Where are their television and radio appearances? Is a sixty year old man supposed to do everything?

(2) The Egyptian riots are being broadcast across the Arab world by al-Jazeera.

Where is the White Nationalist equivalent of al-Jazeera, Russia Today, BET, or Univision?

(3) The loudest critics of Jared Taylor seem to be people who are in favor “rejecting the system.”

Were these people – the system rejecters – of any assistance to Jared Taylor and Amren in Charlotte? Were they of any assistance last year when Jeffrey Imm derailed the 2010 conference?

(4) Patrick Cannon is described as the Mayor Pro Tem of Charlotte.

Is there a pro-White elected official in Charlotte or North Carolina that the White Nationalist movement can appeal to?

(5) Are there White Nationalists in North Carolina even bothering to run for elected office in that state?

I am not referring to Glenn Miller for Senate campaigns.

(6) Jews have the ADL and AJC. Blacks have the NAACP and the Urban League. Hispanics have the NCLR and MALDEF.

Is there are a White equivalent to any of these organizations? Blacks and Jews started creating their own ethnic defense organizations over a century ago.

(7) North Carolina is an Upper South state. It is reasonable to assume that at least 20 percent of Whites in North Carolina are racially conscious. The majority of these people identify as “Christians” and “conservatives.”

Why hasn’t the White Nationalist movement succeeded in organizing the 1/5th of the White population (at a minimum) that agrees with us on our most important issues?

(8) According to the SPLC, there are a number of pro-White organizations active in North Carolina.

Why haven’t Whites in North Carolina joined the National Socialist Movement, World Church of the Creator, National Alliance, Confederate Hammerskins, Ku Klux Klan, or White Revolution?

What happened to the White Patriot Party?

(9) The CofCC has chapters in North Carolina.

What is preventing them from reaching a wider audience?

(10) Blacks and Jews work within the system to advance their anti-White policy positions.

How has pacifism and waiting for the inevitable collapse of the system worked out for us as a strategy? Doesn’t this lack of resistance only empower our enemies and create a self fulfilling prophecy of White marginalization?

(11) According to Gallup, the White majority in North Carolina describe themselves as “conservatives.” A healthy percentage of those “conservatives” dislike the NAACP, support our free speech rights, support restrictionist immigration laws, and many are even racially conscious.

What sense does it make to attack the people we need to win in North Carolina? Are we better off for distancing ourselves from our audience?

(12) Amren has spent almost twenty years educating the public in White racial consciousness. This has produced a few thousand anonymous, intimidated, disorganized converts to race realism scattered across North Carolina.

Shouldn’t we be educating White Nationalists in how to fight back? Isn’t that just as important as converting them to White racial consciousness? Isn’t action more important than rhetoric?

(13) There are probably a few thousand White Nationalists in North Carolina who subscribe to our ideas.

What is the use of spreading an ideology that no one in North Carolina seems inclined to act upon?

(14) I was at the 2010 Amren conference. There was a lot of talk there about filing lawsuits.

What happened to those lawsuits? What happened to the idea of creating a White Nationalist version of MALDEF or the NAACP Legal Defense Fund?

“Ideas” like that have been floating around for decades.

(15) The enemy seems to have all the power in North Carolina. They are organized to the precinct level in Charlotte. Negroes like Patrick Cannon hold elected office. They are well financed and have their own media outlets.

There are some White Nationalists who are ideologically committed to disorganization though. Does that make any sense?

(16) It sure would be nice if there was, say, a network of pro-White activists that could be tapped to stage rallies and mass protests in North Carolina. Illegal aliens seem to be able to do this all the time.

How is that illegal aliens can rally across North Carolina at a month’s notice whereas White Nationalists seem to be utterly rudderless on this front?

(17) I’m sure that White Nationalists in North Carolina have posted thousands of radical comments on popular online forums like Stormfront and VNN over the past decade.

There is no shortage of blogs and forums that cater to this audience. I used to run one myself.

What has all that internet posting – all that “spreading of ideas” – ever accomplished for us in North Carolina?

(17) This is not the first time an Amren conference has been shutdown. Last year, Jeffrey Imm succeeded in cancelling Amren’s reservations at several DC area hotels.

I took it upon myself to confront and condemn Jeffrey Imm in the streets of DC twice. In February and June, we were the only ones there. This is only a small illustration of a larger point.

Why don’t White Nationalists join their own organizations? Why don’t they show up at their own events? How can we ever break the taboos against us by “spreading ideas” – safely, harmlessly, anonymously – on the internet?

(18) George Lincoln Rockwell predicted the “collapse of the system” would happen in 1969.

After 42 years, there are still White Nationalists who believe the inevitable collapse of the system will still solve all our problems. In 2008, I was told that the United States was going to collapse in a hyperinflation downward spiral on the Weimar model.

Is it not sensible to assume that we need a backup plan or a better plan for advancing our goals?

(19) White Nationalists have spent the last 17 years spreading ideas on the internet.

Were we better off  before the internet when David Duke was running for Governor of Louisiana? Why hasn’t using the internet as an education tool been as successful as we hoped?

(20) White Nationalists use the internet to educate White people in White racial consciousness. The internet has a scatter shot effect: it reaches isolated people who are geographically scattered across a wide area.

These people use the internet as a substitute for community. It often causes them to withdraw from their real communities, friendship networks, and kinship networks in favor of an ideological substitute.

In the most extreme cases, some White Nationalists become so alienated and ideological that they become estranged from their own family members.

Does this make White Nationalists more or less effective at converting ordinary White people to White Nationalism?

(21) I have two final questions.

Given the refusal of White Nationalists to organize in the real world and flex their political power in North Carolina, a state with favorable demographics for White Advocacy, why should we expect our situation to be otherwise?

What does it say about the course of the White Nationalist movement that we can no longer defend our most basic civil rights?

Is there something we are not doing that we should be doing? Is there something we are doing that we should not be doing?

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Saving South Dakota

South Dakota to consider Arizona-style immigration law

South Dakota

Pierre is another sleepy state capital about to plunge head first into the churning waters of national immigration policy.

The South Dakota legislature will soon be considering three new proposed restrictionist immigration laws:

(1) An Arizona-style immigration law that will allow law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of anyone who they believe might be an illegal alien in South Dakota.

The bill would also make it illegal for anyone to transport or conceal an illegal alien or encourage illegal aliens to move to South Dakota.

(2) A birthright citizenship law which would challenge granting U.S. citizenship to anchor babies. This is the “state compact” which is the brainchild of Kris Kobach and State Legislators for Legal Immigration.

(3) A bill that would penalize anyone who “knowingly employs, transports or conceals” an illegal alien in South Dakota.

You know the drill by now.

Republicans are sponsoring all three bills. Democrats are generally opposed to the new laws.

The ACLU plans to file lawsuits. The business community and human rights organizations are complaining about racial profiling and the economic costs of enforcement.

68 percent of voters in South Dakota support the passage of an Arizona-style immigration law. 61 percent of South Dakotans oppose the Justice Department lawsuit against Arizona.

This is the same story that we see everywhere. It doesn’t matter whether it is South Dakota, Indiana, or Mississippi.

A Familiar Pattern

There are several inconvenient truths on display here:

(1) The mainstream media is unanimously opposed to restrictionist immigration reform in South Dakota. The public is broadly supportive of Arizona and copycat laws.

Ordinary people are not lemmings who mindlessly repeat whatever they read in the newspapers. They are capable of weighing the evidence and making their own decisions.

(2) Conservatives are overwhelmingly supportive of Arizona-style immigration reform. Progressives are overwhelmingly opposed to it.

In the White Nationalist community, there is a popular legend that there are no real substantial differences between Left and Right. This is demonstrably false.

(3) Republicans who represent conservative districts are almost always the ones who file new restrictionist immigration laws in the state legislatures. Democrats generally vote against our interests on immigration.

I’ve looked at over half the states in the Union. Over the past five months, I have repeatedly shown that immigration is now a partisan issue.

(4) Populist conservatives are carrying all the water on the immigration front.

Far from being worthless, conservatives are the only constituency in America that ever does anything about immigration.

(5) There is a strong positive correlation between the racial and ideological composition of a state and its support for restrictionist immigration reform.

If a state has a strong conservative majority and a Republican dominated state government, it tends to be more inclined to pass restrictionist immigration laws.

(6) The strength of the business community at the state level plays an important role in determining whether or not restrictionist immigration laws get passed.

The business community is especially strong in Western states like Wyoming, Idaho, and Kansas. The pro-business wing of the Republican Party is the enemy.

It makes no sense to reject Republicans like Nathan Deal and Russell Pearce on account of Sam Brownback and Lindsey Graham. The sensible course of action is to replace pro-business Republicans with populist conservative candidates through the primary process.

If we respond to our predicament intelligently, we can change the composition of Congress and the state legislatures over time.

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